Directed by Sam Fox
Hosted by Director and Screenwriter, Sam Fox and Producer, Desiree Staples and Choreographer and Editor, Alex Knell
Salle J.A. De Sève PRESENTED IN Cavalcade of Perversions: I’m So Beautiful!
Sam Fox, Candice Molayem
Desiree Staples, Alex Knell
Sam Fox
Kate Hollowell, Branden Willbarger
William Perls
Harvey Bassett
Alex Knell, Daniel Molayem
Carver Koella, Danny Perez
Foxy Films
4:00 PM
Self-image from the darkest narcissistic obsession to the most positive message of identity acceptance, and everything in between! We’re all beautiful!
Hannah Barlow, Kane Senses
A former outcast turned popular influencer is forced to face her bully at a bachelorette getaway in this gory and hugely engaging dark comedy of traumas.
Nico Van den Brink
A young mother and her family are threatened by a centuries-old curse. A frightening, dead-serious new leaf in Dutch folk horror.
Alex Phillips
Become one with the dirt! Realize your full potential! Take a squirmy trip into the depths of arthouse horror cinema!