World Premiere

All Jacked Up and Full of Worms

Directed by Alex Phillips

Hosted by Writer and Director Alex Phillips.



Alex Phillips


Georgia Bernstein, Alex Phillips, Ben Gojer


Alex Phillips


Phillip Andre Botello, Betsey Brown, Trevor Dawkins, Eva Fellows


Drew Angle


Cue Shop


Troy Lewis

Special Effects

Ben Gojer


Special Movies

Official website

USA 2022 72 mins OV English
Genre Horror

“I think I just killed my own childhood.” Roscoe (Phillip Andre Botello) has just had a breakthrough but he’s stuck, stuck in the depth of his body, stuck inside a crummy apartment with his soul-searching and energy-transferring girlfriend Samantha (Betsey Brown) and his buddy Jared (Noah Lepawsky). He needs fresh air, he needs to go out and meets Benny (Trevor Dawkins) along the way. Benny has a dick, Benny wants to fuck, Benny really wants a baby and instead finds sex worker Henrietta (Eva Fellows) with her shiny metal box of… worms.

Shot in the midst of the pandemic, a tiny-budget flick with vastly creative design and a twisted story, Alex Phillips’ debut feature is possibly the greatest earthworm-junkie-horror flick in history of earthworm-junkie-horror cinema (unless you count TREMORS… only because it has Kevin Bacon in it). A cavalcade of upcoming performers, gathered like a millennial ensemble of John Waters’ dreamlanders, Phillip Andre Botello (PLEDGE), Betsey Brown (LACE CRATER, ASSHOLES), together with Noah Lepawsky, Trevor Dawkins and Eva Fellows—all of them bringing a vibrating excess to their wormhead characters.

Inspired by Cassavetes and Hennenlotter, Phillips delivers a coiled-up, drug-induced creature-feature nightmare, TRAINSPOTTING meets BRAIN DAMAGE with a dash of VIDEODROME. Underground filmmaking at its best for a squirmy ride to hell. Become one with the dirt! Realise your full potential! Nothing is real and everything is permitted. – Celia Pouzet