Directed by Antony Boudreau Savoie
Hosted by Director, Anthony Boudreau Savoie.
Cinéma du Musée PRESENTED IN Of Monsters and Humans
Rendez-vous Québec Cinema 2022 Longue Vue sur le Court 2021 Concordia Film Festival 2022
Concordia Film Festival - Grand Prix Canadian Fiction
Antony Boudreau Savoie
Mélanie Langlois
Antony Boudreau Savoie, Samuel Ferland
Elio Chaillou, Monick Piché
Charlotte St-Louis
Jeanne Dardenne-Lepage
9:00 PM
Our selection of Quebec horror films, which shows the great diversity of talent here.
An elderly woman lives alone in the woods. A hunter and taxidermist, she has no idea that nature is coming to take back its rights. Will she be able to defeat the forest?
Nico Van den Brink
A young mother and her family are threatened by a centuries-old curse. A frightening, dead-serious new leaf in Dutch folk horror.
Alex Phillips
Become one with the dirt! Realize your full potential! Take a squirmy trip into the depths of arthouse horror cinema!
Jeff Lieberman
Bad acid taken years ago sees people losing their minds across the USA. The notorious ‘70s horror classic, newly restored to trip out a new gen.