Canadian Premiere
Selection 2022

Speak No Evil

Directed by Christian Tafdrup


Official selection

Sundance FIlm Festival 2022
Göteborg Film Festival 2022
Seattle International Film Festival 2022
Chicago Critics Film Festival 2022


Christian Tafdrup


Christian Tafdrup, Mads Tafdrup


Morten Burian, Sidsel Siem Koch, Karina Smulders, Fedja Van Huêt



Denmark 2022 97 mins OV English/Danish Subtitles : English
Genre HorrorThriller

“Scary as hell”

“A profoundly uncomfortable piece of filmmaking, a meticulously judged exercise in satirical sadism”

“A grueling (but in a good way) horror-thriller on the rampant and obstructive social foolishness of prioritizing decorum over urgent personal stakes”
– Tomris Laffly, HARPER’S BAZAAR

Sometimes, it would be wise for parents to follow the advice they give to their kids. ‘Don’t talk to strangers’ being a good one to start with. This fundamental lesson will soon be learned in ways most unfortunate by a friendly Danish family vacationing in Tuscany who find themselves befriended by a Dutch clan. Months go by, then suddenly the Danish couple get an invitation to visit the other family for a getaway weekend in their remote house. It would plainly be rude to decline such generosity. How could they say no? Not long after arriving, one awkward misunderstanding follows another. Energies begin to shift. Boundaries start being crossed.

If this relentlessly unsettling film is anything to go on, the Danes and the Dutch have a LOT of issues to work out between them. Partially inspired by an odd encounter that director Christian Tafdrup and his girlfriend had with a forcefully outgoing Dutch couple while on vacation, SPEAK NO EVIL begins as an uncomfortable comedy of manners before creeping into a place where discomfort is the cruelest of understatements. Count on experiencing a crescendo of tension so ferocious that you will likely have a full-on physiological response. With phenomenal direction, editing and sound design, its venomous screenplay brought to life by a brilliant cast that includes Morten Burian (SONS OF DENMARK), Sidsel Siem Koch (KRUDTTØNDEN) and Fedja van Huêt (CHARACTER), SPEAK NO EVIL is a masterclass in dread-building. One that takes a particularly frightening look at the ways conditioned inclinations towards appeasement can short-circuit basic survival instincts. By the time the credits roll, even the most hardened viewers will be a mess. – Mitch Davis