Coller Pour Crier

Directed by Éléonore Delveaux-Beaudoin, Irmela Degbe, Rosalie Maltais, Catherine Quesnel

Hosted by Directors Catherine Quesnel, Éléonore Delvaux-Beaudoin, Irmela Degbe and Rosalie Maltais, as well as James Verreault


Official selection

Rendez-vous cinéma québécois (Quebec cinema meeting)
Festival Filministe
The 2022 Intercollegiate Cinema (RIASQ) in Rimouski
Be careful, we're only amateurs


Be careful, we're only amateurs


Irmela Degbe, Éléonore Delveaux-Beaudoin, Catherine Quesnel, Maltais Rosalie


Irmela Degbe, Éléonore Delveaux-Beaudoin, Rosalie Maltais, Catherine Quesnel


The producing team

Canada, Quebec 2022 6 mins OV French Subtitles : French
Genre Documentary

On March 15, 2020, Montreal sees appearing on a wall, written in black letters on white paper "Stop feminicides". It is at that moment that the Collages Feminicides Montreal collective sees the light for the first time. Now the streets of the city are carpeted with their words. Today, after the 17th feminicide, they continue to fight and sitck on the walls of the city, until this violence stops.
