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Tara Thorne

La sécurité des femmes est primordiale dans une communauté où une improbable justicière réserve aux agresseurs le sort qu’ils méritent.

Canada 81 mins

Give Me Pity!

Amanda Kramer

A Primetime Saturday Night Network Television Spectacular curdles into nightmare juice in Amanda Kramer’s uneasily honest television satire.

USA 80 mins


Michelle Garza Cervera

Pregnant with her first child, a woman realizes that she may be cursed by a supernatural entity. A brilliant and scary film, hot off its award-winning Tribeca launch.

Mexico, Peru 97 mins


Addison Heimann

When Will’s bipolar mother comes out of the woodwork after ten years of silence, he spirals into a nightmarish mental breakdown where his past will not stay hidden any longer.

USA 97 mins

Out in the Ring

Ry Levey

The pageantry of the wrestling world hides the real challenges of fighters from the LGBTQ2IA+ community.

Canada, USA, United Kingdom 105 mins

La Pietà

Eduardo Casanova

Darkly funny and improbably disgusting, a fairy-tale nightmare about power and control from one of Europe's rising stars of weird cinema.

Spain 80 mins

Please Baby Please

Amanda Kramer

Suze and Arthur question their own sexuality after a deadly encounter with a leather-clad gang in Amanda Kramer’s beatnik-era phantasmagoria.

USA 96 mins


RIta Baghdadi

This intimate documentary follows Slave to Sirens, the Middle East’s first all-female metal band, as they strive for success and empowerment.

USA, Lebanon 80 mins


Carter Smith

A creepy-crawly-fable of survival and heartwarming friendship, delightfully grotesque and suspenseful as it is compelling and unsettling.

USA 93 mins