Directed by Nik Fackler
Salle J.A. De Sève PRESENTED WITH Swallowed
Phoenix Film Festival Fantasy Film Festival (Paris)
Nik Fackler
Derek Pressnall
Studio Blossom
Carter Smith
A creepy-crawly-fable of survival and heartwarming friendship, delightfully grotesque and suspenseful as it is compelling and unsettling.
Rajaram Rajendran
Rural villager Rani is the test subject of a dubious time-travel machine in this smart, assured, and sympathetic slice of indie science fiction.
Shinji Higuchi
With flair, impact, and affection, Shinji Higuchi and Hideaki Anno reimagine Japan’s iconic, kaiju-fighting giant superhero from space.
Kristina Buožyte, Bruno Samper
The world has become a writhing fungal jungle, forcing civilization into megacities. Young Vesper will use her cunning and talents in bioengineering to fight back against cutthroat forces closing in. A bre...