Saturday July 16 - 1PM - Musée McCord
Dive into the collective imagination of French, English and Vietnamese animation to enjoy eight short films.
Saturday July 16 - 3PM - Musée McCord
Monday July 18 - 1PM - Musée McCord
Venez donc découvrir l’humour et la poésie du cinéma d’animation coréen.
Monday July 18 - 3PM - Musée McCord
Come and discover the humour and poetry of Korean animation.
Saturday July 23 - 1PM - Musée McCord
You are invited to a humorous array of films from France, Belgium, Japan, the United States and Quebec.
Saturday July 23 - 3PM - Musée McCord
Monday July 25 - 1PM - Musée McCord
Slip with us into the universal realm of animation, and the collective imagination of America, Europe, and Asia, to discover 14 short films.
Monday July 25 - 3PM - Musée McCord
Saturday July 30 - 1PM - Musée McCord
A marathon of 20 short and very short films awaits you in a celebration of 2D and 3D animation.
Saturday July 30 - 3PM - Musée McCord